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Hodnocení obchodu na Zboží.cz

Deshaker pro Bogart Win, licence

Zobrazit více
0 %
3 570 Kč (146.91 €)
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Katalogové číslo: 96000291
Cena bez DPH:2 950 Kč (121.42 €)
soubory a odkazy

Většina programů je dostupná v demoverzi pro vyzkoušení zdarma. Toto samozřejmě neplatí pro SmartEdit a Bogart SE kde toto není možné. Více informací o software, který je volně ke stažení naleznete zde.

Filming footage with a tripod is still the first choice among videographers. However, there are always cases in which you have to do without. The result is often unwanted shaking and movement. 

Deshaker is the best rescue solution for steady pictures. It is capable of evening out most of the unwanted movements in your footage. If you need the shaking scene, give Deshaker the chance to rescue it. You can easily try the software in Demo mode before you purchase it.

The program's special feature is the ability to fill out the edges that are created by other similar programs, resulting from the processing. This makes the often used "zoom in" technique redundant. There are two key advantages to using the Deshaker:

  • Nearly no loss of image content
  • Best possible image quality, even with HD footage

Another Deshaker strength is using it for (wanted) camera movements and pans. Using this software is therefore not just limited to certain contents and can be applied to any video with the right settings. 
The result is a greatly stabilized and high quality picture as you would expect from a tripod recording. 

The Deshaker is the essential tool for free-hands video filming. It is compatible with all Casablanca / DVC models running the Bogart SE editing software. The Deshaker software is found in the "Edit / Special" and "Image Processing" menu.

Attention: This effect cannot be used with "Smart Rendering". If this function is active, the effect won't render. Deshaker is also limited to interlaced projects. The use in progressive projects is not possible.

System requirement: Casablanca, DVC, Enterprise MAX, Streamcorder with BogartSE

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